Parish Newsletter 24th May 2020

Last Will and Testament

In this weekend’s gospel we hear Our Lord’s final instructions, his Last Will and Testament. Just before leaving them, he reminds them of what he expects of them. Earlier he had sent them out to spread the Kingdom of God. Those who go in his name, do so with his authority. The authority goes with the mission, so to speak. In Matthew’s version he now adds this great promise, “I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Mark says that the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by the signs that accompanied it”. And Luke emphasises that they will be “clothed with power from on high”, that is, with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus is very definite about what he has to say. Like any gathering of people, the feelings of his disciples were varied. But he sends them out to speak and act in his name.

Their mission was both easy and hard: easy to understand but hard to carry out. It was to teach others all that he had taught them. Just as he asked them to follow his way, they were to ask that others should follow that way too.

Has a doctor ever put you on a course of antibiotics? The most basic guidance about antibiotics is to complete the course. Even if the patient starts to feel well after a few days, to discontinue taking the medicine can let their condition grow worse.
Similarly, the message of salvation must continue to be shared until the end of time. With all the changes in the church and in society, neither Jesus nor his message have changed. His Gospel remains a call to live our lives to the full.

You write a new page of the gospel each day,
through all that you do and whatever you say.
Others read what you write, be it faithful or true.
So what is the gospel according to you?

He is with us always. This can be a real help against loneliness. Being alone is not the same as being lonely. One can feel lonely in a crowded street; or alternatively, like an ancient philosopher observed, ‘never less alone than when alone.’ This applies especially to those who believe the promise, “l am with you always.” Talking with him doesn’t even need words. If we are open to His presence in our heart, and treasure it, we can experience fully that “Joy of the Gospel” so warmly described for us by Pope Francis.


Parish Baptisms
There have been quite a number of requests for baptisms over the past few weeks. Congratulations to all parents on your recent arrivals!
According to the staged lifting of restrictions laid out by the government, baptisms will be able to be celebrated after July 20th. However, the numbers attending the ceremony will be restricted to only the immediate family members.
If you would like to book a date for your child’s baptism, please contact the parish secretary and a form will be posted out to you.

Parish Office
The Parish Office will remain closed for the time being but our secretary will be working behind closed doors on Thursday morning. If you would like to contact the parish during opening hours (9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.) your query will be dealt with by the secretary. Please do not call to the office for Mass cards as the office is not open for business as usual yet.

Masses in the Week Ahead
The weekday Masses in the week ahead will be celebrated in Listry Church. As a result, not everyone who can pick up the transmission normally from Milltown will be able to do so. My apologies for this.
St. Colman’s Parish
7th Sunday of Easter
23rd /24th May 2020

Prayer on the Feast of the Ascension

Gracious God, your ascended Son promised the gift of the Holy Spirit. Send your Spirit of revelation and wisdom that we may witness to your grace and forgiveness, freedom and hope, joy and salvation. Open our minds to understand your will, so that when sin cripples our hope, we may discover the freedom of your forgiveness; when suffering and death overtake our lives, we may know the joy of the Risen Christ; and when we feel abandoned, we may comprehend the power of the promised Spirit.
Holy Father, Father of the Risen and Ascended Christ, you surround us with witnesses who have shown us the way. Inspire us with your Spirit to stop looking into the heavens and start doing the work of the kingdom. Help us to seek justice, becoming a people who nourish and clothe and lament. Help us to love kindness, becoming a people who forgive and accept forgiveness, a people who show mercy and live in charity. Help us to walk humbly with you, becoming a people whose secret identities melt away revealing the Christ living within.

Fr. Kevin Sullivan (087) 6277638
Parish Residence: 18 Ballyoughtragh Heights, Milltown
Rev. Conor Bradley (087) 3664057
Safeguarding Children: Contact (087) 6362780

Weekend Mass Intentions
Sun. May 24th – 11:15 a.m. Kathleen Doherty, Knockreigh
John Dowling, Castlemaine Post Office
Maurice O’ Dwyer, Lassabee
Francy Teahan, Ballyfinnane
(Months Mind)

Sat. May 30th – 6 p.m. Timmy & John Riordan, Listry

Sun. May 31st – 11:15 a.m. Dominic Devenny, Australia & Belfast
Denis Murphy, Ballymacandy
Bridget Gill, Shanahill East
John Joe O’ Connor, Ballyreameen
Donal Corcoran, Boolteens and Dublin

Reminder: Mass is broadcast on 106fm
Mass is also broadcast at 10:00 a.m. on weekdays
(unless there is a funeral Mass)

Evening Prayer and the Rosary in May
This will be said at the following times and will be broadcast on radio:
Listry each Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.
Milltown each Friday at 7:00 p.m.